Day Three | Wednesday



Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.

Psalm 143:8 (NIV)


There are so many things that compete for our trust in God. One of the things God revealed to a hymn writer years ago was that he found most of his comfort in his wife and not God. It's so easy to put our trust in others and money because those both provide a sense of security and hope for the future. Years ago, I was talking to a pastor in Africa about faith, and I asked them how their church has so much faith when they have so little. He shared that they must trust God to make it through each day. Many people in America don't have that. At first, I felt pity for them based on their circumstances, but I realized many in this village had a faith and vitality that many people in America don't. The problem is when things are good, we tend to forget God. We move along without Him, but in the stormy seasons, we are desperate for Him. We must learn to stay close to Him in ALL seasons. This is the key.


When Josiah stepped up to lead, the people didn't have a whole lot of hope. First, Josiah was just a teenager, and second, the culture was dark and filled with evil. The good news is that this caused Josiah to model a way to trust in God. Trust doesn't mean we won't have doubts—I guarantee Josiah and the people had doubts—but it's what you do with those doubts that matter. They chose to take those to God, and He guided them. What makes trust so difficult is the unknown. Josiah didn't know what would happen in the future, but he kept trusting God. None of us know what will happen in the future, but we know the One who holds the future in His hands. This is enough. This is the starting point of trust. God, You know the story, I don't. I trust that You are good. Think about it: the reason you know it's a bad day is because you've had good days before. You know what it's like to have a bad day because some days have been great days. Don't let the bad days or the difficult days cause you to doubt the goodness of God. What God wants right now is for you to trust Him. When you do, you feel a lightness and joy that transcends your circumstances. Then, you will have a faith that captures the attention of heaven and others around you. Trust Him when it doesn't make sense. He will make a way forward. He always does.


APPLICATION: God holds the future in His hands.


PRAYER: Spend time thanking God for what He's done in your life. Ask Him for help to follow Him. He will be faithful. Take it one day at a time.




“… Our Father in heaven…” Matthew 6:9b (NLT)

  • What do You want to say to me today as my Father?

“… may Your name be kept holy.” Matthew 6:9c (NLT)

  • What do You want to reveal to me about Your power today?

May Your Kingdom come soon.Matthew 6:10a (NLT)

  • Help me make Your priorities my priorities today.

“Give us today the food we need,” Matthew 6:11 (NLT)

  • Is there anything specific You want me to do with my time or the people I’m around today?

“and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us” Matthew 6:12 (NLT)

  • Reveal to me anyone I need to forgive or ask for forgiveness.

“And don’t let us yield to temptation…” Matthew 6:13a (NLT)

  • Is there anywhere I’m vulnerable to temptation?