
The best way to Get Help is to call 864.688.8355
Dive into our Podcasts for insights and advice on a variety of topics such as Depression, Grief, Anger, Anxiety and more.
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The Lay Counseling Ministry assists individuals and married couples in walking closer with God in the midst of life’s challenges. Christ-centered counseling services are provided free of charge by trained lay counselors in a safe environment, several days a week.

For more information or to request a counseling appointment, please email Care Ministries or call 864.688.8355


When life hits, it hits hard. Whatever your situation is, Brookwood wants to help you get through to better and brighter days.

For an emergency situation, call 911 for immediate assistance.

Care Connection Room

The Care Connection Team offers an open door of care and support to anyone needing encouragement, prayer or guidance in making spiritual decisions. Team members are available on Sundays in the Care Connection Room and in front of the stage after each service.

For more information, please email Care Ministries or call 864.688.8355


The Care Team is dedicated to providing support to bereaved Brookwood members and attendees by hosting funerals and memorials at the church to honor their loved ones.

Grief-related resources are also available in the weeks that follow.

For more information, please email Care Ministries or call 864.688.8355

Meal Team

The Meal Team shows love and support to our congregation by providing meals for families during times of bereavement, hospitalization, illness and birth.

To request a meal for an individual or family, please email Care Ministries or call 864.688.8355

Pastor On Call

For an emergency situation, call 911 for immediate assistance.

One of our pastors is available after hours via the Pastor-on-Call line. If you need to contact a pastor, dial the Brookwood main line at 864.688.8200 and choose option 9. The pastor on duty will return your call as soon as possible to assess your situation.

3 Jars labeled Save, Spend, and Give with money in them. Learn how to fill all three at Brookwood Church


Access resources and classes to help you work through financial challenges.

A married couple sitting close and smiling at Brookwood Church


Learn how to request counseling, premarital mentoring, or wedding services and find great resources so you can grow and maintain a healthy marriage.

A group of parents each with their children walking out of the Brookwood Church auditorium


As parents we often feel ill-equipped to point our children towards Christ.


Submit a Prayer Request or learn more about opportunities to pray at Brookwood.

Support Groups

Groups can provide a positive and nurturing environment for encouragement and healing. Consider one of these:

  • Celebrate Recovery/The Landing
  • DivorceCare
  • Hope for Separated Women
  • Financial Peace University
  • GriefShare
  • Dementia Caregiver Support Group
  • Moms with Children with Special Needs
  • Military REBOOT

Celebrate Recovery at Brookwood Church

Healing from Hurts and Habits

Celebrate Recovery offers a community of support and worship designed to equip adults with tools to cope with many different life issues.

The Landing for Teens at Brookwood Church

Healing for Families

The Landing, a program for students in grades 6-12, provides students a place to share and find acceptance when life gets difficult, while parents explore the same lessons at Celebrate Recovery.


The Visitation Care Team cares for Brookwood members and attendees during times of unexpected hospitalization, surgeries or extended illnesses. In addition to visiting hospitals and nursing homes to offer prayers and encouragement, volunteers also visit honorary members who are no longer able to attend church due to health reasons.

To request a visit, please email Care Ministries or call 864.688.8355


Dementia Caregiver Support Group

This monthly support group will provide awareness, sharing and hope for those caring for a loved one with any form of dementia.

Begins Monday, March 3

Celebrate Recovery

Whether you’re struggling with anger, food issues, codependency, chemical addiction, overcoming abuse, relationship hurts or any other struggle, Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to heal and grow within a supportive community. Meets weekly.

Childcare Available

Pass It Forward

Whether you are skilled in carpentry, plumbing, demolition, lawncare, or simply enjoy showing southern hospitality, we have something for you.

Multiple Dates

Navigating Conversations about Life and Legacy

How do we navigate talking with our loved ones about their wishes for life's end with grace and foresight? Join us as we discuss how to have challenging conversations and learn about valuable resources and tools that can help ensure those wishes will be carried out.

Saturday, March 8
Registration Open

Moms of Children with Special Needs

Join us as we gather to celebrate the trials and triumphs of being mothers raising children with special needs. The group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month

Begins Thursday, March 13
Childcare Available
Registration Open

Financial Peace University • Watch on Your Own

We're excited to offer a Watch on Your Own class for only $25 per person (formerly $129). You and your family can study at your own pace or join a virtual class.

Registration Open