Mission Ministries

Brookwood has teamed with several faithful missionaries who have dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel. Learn more about them below!

Chris and Sarah minister to students at Clemson University through Campus Outreach. They trust God to change lives at one of the largest public schools in South Carolina. They pray that students will truly begin a relationship and walk with Jesus in college and are excited to make Jesus's name known on the college campus through the ministry of Campus Outreach.

For more information visit cocolumia.org/give/almond.

To financially support The Amonds, send your donation to:
Campus Outreach Columbia. Under the check memo, write "Chris & Sarah Amond."
Mail all checks to:
Campus Outreach Columbia
701 Gervais St. Suite 150-200
Columbia, SC 29201

Mission Increase collaborates with givers to help Christian ministries grow and more fully achieve their God-given missions by offering teaching, coaching, consulting, and matching grants rooted in a biblical approach to fundraising – all at no cost to ministries.

For more information visit mif.org/south-carolina.

To financially support Arnold and his ministry, send your donation to:
South Carolina Christian Foundation
PO Box 2397 Spartanburg, SC 29305
Memo line: Mission Increase – South Carolina 

 Email: Arnold Kimmons

Back2Back is an international Christian non-profit organization dedicated to being a voice for orphans. They exist to love and care for orphaned and vulnerable children by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs that they might overcome their life circumstances and break free from the cycle of generational poverty.

For more information visit back2back.org.

To financially support Back2Back send your donation to:
Back2Back Ministries
P.O. Box 70
Mason, OH 45040

 Email: Jeff Coppins

Ezra, Ashlan, and Eloree serve with Greater Europe Mission in Kandern, Germany at Black Forest Academy. The Burns family plans to arrive at BFA in July 2025 to serve missionary kids and their families. Black Forest meets the educational and spiritual needs of the students who board and attend the academy, while their families stay on the field serving their ministry globally. Ezra has accepted a position to serve at BFA in the engineering and facilities department and Ashlan will volunteer in the nursing office. Our family desires to disciple students and create lifelong relationships pointing to Christ.

To partner with the Burns family and their mission please visit their website:https://gemission.org/donatemissionary/ezra-and-ashlan-burns.

 Email: Ezra Burns
 Email: Ashlan Burns

Ramas Peru works to connect American churches with Peruvian churches to further God’s Kingdom, create short-term missions to benefit the local church and community, and fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ.

For more information visit ramas.org.

To financially support Cesar and his ministry, send your donation to:
Wonder Voyage Missions
PO Box 271238
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Memo line: Ramas 

 Email: Cesar Ausejo

Coby Greene works with students at San Diego State University and Point Loma Nazarene University. Coby feels that the college campus is a wide-open door for effective Gospel work since students are seeking to learn and will be the next generation of leaders in communities and cultures all over the world.

To financially support Coby in his mission, please visit his website.

Bridge Builders International (BBI) is a South Carolina-based Christian mission organization led by Brookwood members Natalie Meeks and Joshua Masters. BBI has been bringing the hope of Jesus to the Baltic and greater European regions for nearly 30 years through relational partnerships, training, and the arts. We foster connections among leaders, ministries, and creative catalysts by nurturing a community-based approach to living and serving the Gospel of Christ. Through networking and mentoring, we equip individuals and organizations to impact their circles of influence for God's glory.

For more information visit bridgebuildersint.com or follow @bridgebuildersint on social media.

To financially support Bridge Builders International send your donation to:
Bridge Builders International
P.O. Box 1472
Wheaton, IL 60187

David and Ronda moved to Salt Lake City with four other families to plant Hope Church in Utah, a state with less than 2% Evangelical Christians. There are more Evangelical Christians in China than in Utah.

To Financially Support the Edmunds church plant, please visit hopechurchutah.com.

Ed and April Hetzel minister to students at Clemson University and Anderson University. They are trusting God for changed lives at one of the largest public and private school universities in South Carolina. Their prayer is that students will truly begin a relationship and walk with Jesus in college that will impact the rest of their lives and all those they meet, wherever they choose to go.

Visit their website at new.express.adobe.com.

To financially support The Hetzel Family, send your donation to:
CRU Attn: Contributions
PO Box 628222
Orlando FL 32862
Memo Line: Ed and April Hetzel #0595021.

 Email: Ed Hetzel

With Heritage Ministries serving the Appalachian poor of Lynch KY, by renovating housing and other ministries.

Read Jeff's most recent newsletter.

To financially support Jeff and his ministry, send your donation to:
Heritage Ministries
PO Box 821
Lynch KY 40855

 Email: Jeff Sim

Through building homes and providing clean water, Give Cambodia Hope is building relationships with the people in the slums Siem Reap, Cambodia, teaching them to be self-sustaining, and instilling the extraordinary love and hope of Jesus Christ.

To financially support Give Cambodia Hope, please visit their website.

YWAM (Youth with a Mission) – Upper Amazon River Ministries serving tribes, starting churches, and developing the communities.

View Julio's newsletter.

To financially support Upper Amazon Ministry send your donation to:
Upper Amazon Ministries
PO Box 243
Newport MN 55055

Jeremiah and Alex Klinect live and serve in Budapest, Hungary, with Greater Europe Mission. Their ministry has two components: connecting with their local community through a Hungarian church and serving global worker families across Europe and beyond with their children's developmental and educational needs. Along with their two children (and one on the way!), they enjoy building relationships with both nationals and expatriates and connecting people to each other and to their Creator.

You can also link to our Epistle page: https://the-klinect-family.epistle.org and our Giving page: www.gemission.org/24751

 Email: Jeremiah Klinect

Camp Li-Wa offers year round activities which include: summer camp for all ages of kids, retreat and conference center, horse riding lessons, and more.

Patrick serves as the Guest Services Manager, and helps in maintenance, while Amy serves as the Office Manager. Patrick and Amy have a desire for the next generation to know the love of Christ and live a life fully devoted to Him. Originally from Tennessee, this family, including Logan and Natalie, is excited to see how God uses them to bring Him glory.

Visit campliwa.org for more information.

 Email: Amy Nave

Matt, originally from Greer SC became in involved in missions in 2009 when he went on the World Race, an 11-month, 11-country pilgrimage around the world.  After the World Race he felt called to return to Kenya to begin a long-term ministry. Matt's dream is to empower Kenyans to minister to their own people. In 2012 Matt started a discipleship program within the IDP Camps of Maai Mahiu, Kenya (similar to a refugee camp).

Matt ministers to the community through evangelism, after school programs, and school sponsorships. He also personally cares for seven children. In December, 2015 Matt and his ministry merged with Oasis for Orphans. Oasis' vision is to Rescue and Restore Vulnerable Children. By joining Oasis, Matt has expanded his ministry throughout Kenya. To read more about Matt and Oasis and support Matt's work, visit mattpatch.org.

 Email: Matt Patch

Community Life Centers of Haiti create a unique place that addresses the spiritual needs of the locals, as well as helps build a community that exposes Haitians to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by connecting with and representing them in what they need, want, and hope for.

For more information visit clchaiti.org.

To financially support Community Life Centers of Haiti send your donation to:
Community Life Centers of Haiti
2926 State Road
PMB 212
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Memo line: Ramas 

 Email: Matt White

Upstate Warrior Solution supports warriors which includes Veterans, Reservists, National Guard and active duty personnel and their families regardless of military branch, nature of discharge or current life situation. They CONNECT them and their family members to resources and opportunities, LEAD them through the process of self-empowerment, and INSPIRE the community to embrace local warriors and their family members as valued neighbors and friends.

For more information visit upstatewarriorsolution.org.

To financially support Upstate Warrior Solution, send your donation to:
Upstate Warrior Solution
PO Box 27232
Greenville SC 29616 

 Email: Ted Hamm

Calvary Medical Center (CMC) is a non-profit static healthcare facility in Kavule, Wakiso District, Uganda founded by Dr. Timothy and Ann Ssemakula. The mission of CMC is to be a world class Tertiary Medicare hospital providing free medical care for the vulnerable groups in Uganda.

Calvary Medical Center is launching an insurance program to save lives in their surrounding community. For only $24 a year, you can sponsor a vulnerable child's health Insurance in Uganda at CMC. Use this link to join the initiative!

For more information visit calvarymc.com.

To financially support Tim and his ministry, send your donation to:
Redemption Church
1021 4th Avenue
Huntington, WV 25701
Memo line: Calvary Medical Center – Uganda

 Email: Tim Ssemakula

Great Commission Movement – Reaching and making disciples of university students

View Wolobah's newsletter.

 Email: Wolobah Taylor